New Stories to Help Children Get Ready for Naptime

Are you one of those girls or boys that do not like to take an afternoon nap?  My little brother Mr. Linguini use too be the same way. Every child needs a nap during the day. Even if you don’t want to take one, you will find it so refreshing when you wake up!

I’m Lady Hershey, and I wrote little naptime stories for Mr. Linguini to listen to while he falls asleep. He loves to listen to these stories! When he wakes up from his naptime, he looks and feels refreshed. He is less cranky, more alert, and full of fresh energy when he takes an afternoon nap. These stories helped Mr. Linguini learn to love his happy afternoon naptime.

Mr. Linguini and I would like to share these little stories with you. We hope they will help you have sweet dreams during your own happy afternoon naptime.

Coming Soon ~ Mr. Linguini’s Favourite Little Naptime Stories for Girls and Boys by Lady Hershey for Her Little Brother Mr. Linguini


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