Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tilda, who was about to turn eight years old. Tilda had a little brother named Mag, who was four years old.
Tilda was excited because she was turning eight. Mag was excited, too, but he did not understand why Tilda was getting so much attention for it.
At the bakery, their mommy whispered to Mag, “You can tell the baker what you want him to write on Tilda’s cake.”
That afternoon, at Tilda’s birthday party, all her friends and family were having fun. It was time to cut the birthday cake.
When they looked at the cake, it said, “Holy macaroni, you’re eight!” Everyone laughed, including Tilda.
“Who did this?” asked Tilda.
“I did!” shouted Mag. “Holy macaroni, you’re eight!”
Everyone started laughing again.
It was the funniest birthday cake Tilda had ever seen.
What would you have said to write on the birthday cake?
What would you like written on your birthday cake?